Brow Lift

Conveniently located to serve St. Petersburg, Tampa Bay, and Clearwater.

A brow lift rejuvenates the upper face by raising sagging eyebrows, which brightens one’s expression. During a brow lift, board-certified oculofacial plastic surgeon Dr. Charles Anthony II tightens the forehead muscles and sagging skin, achieving a naturally youthful and rejuvenated look. Schedule your consultation for a brow lift in St. Petersburg, FL, at Anthony Aesthetics today!

The Benefits of a Brow Lift

A brow lift, also known as a forehead lift, restores a more youthful and relaxed appearance by addressing vertical brow lines (glabellar lines) and horizontal forehead wrinkles.

The aging process, genetics, and sun exposure can all lead to eyebrow sagging over time. This creates a constantly tired look. A brow lift elevates and shapes drooping brows to bring back a patient’s alert and awake appearance.

A brow lift can be performed on its own or alongside other rejuvenating cosmetic procedures such as facelifts or eyelid surgery. This allows for more comprehensive anti-aging results.

Brow Lift Candidates

Ideal candidates for a brow lift procedure are unhappy with the constantly tired or frustrated look caused by drooping eyebrows. The best candidates are in good overall health and are non-smokers. Smokers will need to quit several weeks before their forehead lift surgery.

beautiful young woman looking over her shoulder
woman holding her eyebrow

Charles Anthony II, MD

Dr. Charles Anthony is a board certified Oculofacial Plastic Surgeon who specializes in facial plastic surgery and aesthetic rejuvenation of the face. He has over 10 years of surgical experience and his expertise in minimally invasive and advanced surgical techniques aids him in designing tailored treatment plans to meet his patients’ unique cosmetic goals.

Different Approaches to a Brow Lift

Dr. Anthony is skilled in several advanced brow lift techniques that are less invasive options for forehead rejuvenation compared to the traditional brow lift. Because the incisions are much smaller than the one used for a traditional brow lift, recovery is shorter and more comfortable.

In an endoscopic brow lift, several small incisions are made in the hairline. An endoscope, a small camera with a light, is used to help release attachments and resuspend the brow.

In a lateral brow lift, a small incision is placed in the hairline near the temple. Direct visualization is used to release the attachments in this area and raise the lateral aspect of the brow.

Dr. Anthony also performs direct brow lifts, where the incision is made just above the brow hairs, and browpexies, where he approaches the brow through a blepharoplasty incision (incision in the upper eyelid).

Dr. Anthony’s mastery of these various advanced brow lift techniques allows him to tailor his approach to meet each patient’s specific needs and treatment goals, achieving excellent results.

Recovery After Your Brow Lift Procedure

You’ll need time to fully recover from your forehead lift procedure. Some discomfort is to be expected at the start of recovery but will only be temporary. Edema and bruising will also be present.

A compressive dressing may be applied to your forehead after brow lift surgery to reduce post-operative edema. Antibiotics and medication to treat inflammation and pain may be prescribed at the discretion of the surgeon.

Some light walking may be recommended during the healing process. Time off from work will be required, and you will need to avoid strenuous activities like sports and heavy exercise.

Stitches will be removed during a follow-up appointment. At this time, the progress of your healing will be evaluated.

Brow Lift Results

A brow lift can make your face look younger by elevating forehead and brow skin. Results will be apparent immediately, but swelling will obscure them to some degree. Once the swelling completely fades, your procedure’s full results can be seen.

No forehead lift can guarantee everlasting results. As you get older, you will likely notice your skin starting to sag again due to natural loss of elasticity and prolonged sun exposure. Maintaining a youthful appearance requires a commitment to sun protection and a healthy lifestyle.

ready to seereal patient results?

Explore our gallery for a glimpse at the remarkable before-and-after outcomes of Brow Lift surgeries performed by acclaimed Oculofacial Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Charles Anthony, in St. Petersburg, Florida and the surrounding areas.
Brow Lift before and after photo by Dr. Charles Anthony in Tampa, FL

Financing Options

At Anthony Aesthetics, we provide financing options to ensure that our services are as accessible as possible for all of our patients. We’ve partnered with CareCredit to offer financing to help with the cost of numerous services.

Contact Us Today

Contact us today to learn more about the brow lift in St. Petersburg, FL. Set up a consultation with Dr. Charles Anthony, who will be available to answer any questions you may have.

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Dr. Charles Anthony II is an incredible doctor and surgeon. When it comes to your eyes and cosmetic procedures, it can be scary and difficult to find that trust in someone. Dr. Anthony and his team are amazing and kind. I am in wonderful care at every appointment. It’s rare to find a doctor that combines such personal touches and care for a patient as a person with outstanding quality of medical care. I highly recommend becoming his patient!

- K.F.

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