Lower Eyelids

Conveniently located to serve St. Petersburg, Tampa Bay, and Clearwater.

With lower eyelid surgery, puffy bags under the eyes can be smoothed out, restoring the eyes’ youthful vitality. Renowned board-certified oculofacial plastic surgeon Dr. Charles Anthony II has a great deal of experience achieving impressive results with lower eyelid surgery. Contact Anthony Aesthetics today to learn more about lower eyelid surgery in St. Petersburg, FL.

Benefits of Lower Eyelid Surgery

When a person ages, the muscles and connective tissue around their eyelids lose strength. As a result of this lack of support, the fatty tissue in the area sags, gathering in the lower eyelids. This herniated orbital fat makes the lower lids look puffy. Loss of skin elasticity can also cause the lower eyelids to droop.

Lower eyelid surgery removes and/or repositions bulging fat in the lower eyelids. This makes the lower eyelids appear more even and natural. Excess skin can also be removed, tightening drooping lower lids.

Puffy and sagging lower eyelids create a look of constant sleepiness and make a person look older than they really are. Lower eyelid surgery reverses a tired appearance while giving the eyes and face a more youthful look.

beautiful young woman with dark makeup
young woman with surgical marking under her eye

Charles Anthony II, MD

Dr. Charles Anthony is a board certified Oculofacial Plastic Surgeon who specializes in facial plastic surgery and aesthetic rejuvenation of the face. He has over 10 years of surgical experience and his expertise in minimally invasive and advanced surgical techniques aids him in designing tailored treatment plans to meet his patients’ unique cosmetic goals.

Is Lower Eyelid Surgery Right for Me?

Lower eyelid surgery is an excellent option for patients who are feeling self-conscious about their appearance due to lower-eyelid puffiness. Patients looking to lift and tighten their drooping lower eyelids are also good candidates for this facial procedure.

The best candidates for lower eyelid surgery are in good general health. Non-smokers are preferred, since smoking can negatively affect skin health. Smokers will need to quit several weeks before the surgery and must avoid smoking during recovery.

The Procedure

At the start of lower eyelid surgery, a combination of local anesthesia and IV sedation is administered. This allows for a comfortable and painless experience.

In most cases, Dr. Anthony performs lower eyelid surgery using the transconjunctival approach. This involves creating a tiny incision inside the lower lid, which effectively prevents any post-surgical marks from being seen. After this, the excess orbital fat is taken out to reduce puffiness and create a more even appearance.

When excess skin also needs to be removed, Dr. Anthony performs a skin pinch after removing the excess fat. He uses forceps to gently pinch the skin right below the lash line, which isolates a very small section of skin for precise trimming (excision). Dr. Anthony also offers CO2 laser treatment at the time of surgery to tighten the skin, negating the need for an incision!

The Lower Eyelid Surgery Recovery Process

Patients must be driven home by a friend or family member following lower eyelid surgery, since they will not be able to drive for a time. Once home, they will need to rest.

During recovery, time off from work will be required. Patients will need to follow Dr. Anthony’s post-surgical care directions as closely as possible while they heal. This will help minimize the chance of complications, making for a safe and comfortable recovery process.

A minor degree of swelling and bruising will be present after lower eyelid surgery. A cold compress can be placed on the area as directed to reduce these issues. Keeping one’s head elevated at all times will also help with this process.

Patients will need to apply ointment to the lower eyelids as directed. Since dryness is common, eye drops may be recommended. It will also be important to wear sunglasses in order to protect the eyes from wind, sun, and pollutants.

A follow-up appointment will allow Dr. Anthony to check on the status of the healing process. He will evaluate the lower eyelids to ensure that there are no complications.

Patient testimonialI am much more confident

“I just want to let you know how pleased I am with the results following my lower lid blepharoplasty. I love how my eyes look! I am much more confident in my appearance now and no longer shy away from smiling! With sincere thanks and appreciation to you and your wonderful staff”

ready to seereal patient results?

Explore our gallery for a glimpse at the remarkable before-and-after outcomes of Lower Eyelids surgeries performed by acclaimed Oculofacial Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Charles Anthony, in St. Petersburg, Florida and the surrounding areas.
Lower Blepharoplasty before and after photo by Dr. Charles Anthony in Tampa, FL

Financing Options for Lower Eyelid Surgery

To finance the cost of lower eyelid surgery, patients can choose one of our financing partners. At Anthony Aesthetics, we’ve partnered with CareCredit, allowing clients to choose a financing option that fits their budget.

Schedule Your Lower Eyelid Surgery Consultation

Reduce lower-eyelid puffiness and sagging—contact Anthony Aesthetics to find out more about lower eyelid surgery in St. Petersburg, FL. Arrange your informative consultation today.

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Dr. Charles Anthony II is an incredible doctor and surgeon. When it comes to your eyes and cosmetic procedures, it can be scary and difficult to find that trust in someone. Dr. Anthony and his team are amazing and kind. I am in wonderful care at every appointment. It’s rare to find a doctor that combines such personal touches and care for a patient as a person with outstanding quality of medical care. I highly recommend becoming his patient!

- K.F.

Patient Testimonials


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