Fat Grafting

Conveniently located to serve St. Petersburg, Tampa Bay, and Clearwater.

If you’re looking for long-lasting anti-aging results, it’s time to come in for fat grafting. This cosmetic facial-rejuvenation option involves taking excess fat from one part of the body, purifying it, and precisely injecting it into areas of the face. Experienced and respected board-certified oculofacial plastic surgeon Dr. Charles Anthony II uses his artistry to achieve natural results with facial fat grafting in St. Petersburg, FL. Arrange a consultation at Anthony Aesthetics to find out more.

The Benefits of Fat Grafting

Fat grafting makes the face look years younger by filling in areas that have lost volume due to the aging process. Typical treatment areas include the temples, jawline, cheeks, and lips.

Additionally, stem cells can be derived from this fatty tissue and used to treat the appearance of a number of age lines, including crow’s feet, marionette lines, and lip lines.

Because fat grafting uses the patient’s own body fat, it is considered to be an autologous procedure. This greatly reduces the chance of rejection of the transferred fat by the body.

Good Candidates for Fat Grafting

Anyone who wants to rejuvenate their face using a natural and long-lasting filler is a good candidate for fat grafting. It is also commonly performed as an adjunct to a facelift to restore volume while lifting the face.

To get the best results, patients should be in good health and should have enough excess fat for transfer. Keeping expectations realistic and maintaining a positive disposition is highly recommended.

beautiful woman with dark hair
woman receiving fat transfer injection

Charles Anthony II, MD

Dr. Charles Anthony is a board certified Oculofacial Plastic Surgeon who specializes in facial plastic surgery and aesthetic rejuvenation of the face. He has over 10 years of surgical experience and his expertise in minimally invasive and advanced surgical techniques aids him in designing tailored treatment plans to meet his patients’ unique cosmetic goals.

Fat Grafting vs. Dermal Fillers

Both the facial fat transfer and dermal fillers are effective injectable treatments used to smooth away age lines and provide new volume. Patients considering facial rejuvenation may be having trouble deciding which option is right for them.

There are a number of differences between these options. For example, while dermal fillers are synthetic in nature, fat grafting uses the body’s own natural fat as a filler. Because no foreign chemicals are injected, many patients prefer fat grafting.

Fillers are substances created to be slowly and safely absorbed by the body, causing results to gradually fade over the course of several months to years. This means that dermal-filler patients will need to come in for maintenance treatments.

Because living fat cells are used in facial fat grafting, once the fat cells are thriving in their new location, they will survive for years and years. This will lead to incredibly long-lasting results and no need for regular maintenance treatment sessions.

Your Fat Grafting Session

Once patients are ready for their fat grafting, local anesthesia will be administered for numbing. A very small incision will be made in the targeted area where the fat will be harvested. A cannula will be inserted, and the fat cells will be removed using medical suction.

The collected fat will then be processed to get rid of any unnecessary materials, such as dead and damaged fat cells. This leaves only healthy fat cells for transfer. Once the fat has been processed, it will be injected carefully into the target spots that need to be enhanced.

Fat Grafting Aftercare

Following a fat grafting session, the patient can expect minor discomfort during the brief recovery period. Some swelling and bruising might occur, which will go away in time. To aid in reduction of these issues, the patient can apply a cold compress as directed. It also helps to keep one’s head elevated at all times.

Financing at Anthony Aesthetics

Numerous procedures and treatments can be financed at Anthony Aesthetics, including fat grafting. CareCredit helps with the cost of facial fat grafting by providing financing options to fit each patient’s budget.

Schedule Your Consultation

Patients can learn more about fat grafting in St. Petersburg, FL, by scheduling a consultation at Anthony Aesthetics. Contact us to set up an appointment for a consultation with Dr. Charles Anthony, who will be available to answer any questions you may have.

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Dr. Charles Anthony II is an incredible doctor and surgeon. When it comes to your eyes and cosmetic procedures, it can be scary and difficult to find that trust in someone. Dr. Anthony and his team are amazing and kind. I am in wonderful care at every appointment. It’s rare to find a doctor that combines such personal touches and care for a patient as a person with outstanding quality of medical care. I highly recommend becoming his patient!

- K.F.

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