Upper Eyelids

Conveniently located to serve St. Petersburg, Tampa Bay, and Clearwater.

Upper eyelid surgery tightens drooping upper eyelids, taking years off of your appearance. To get the high-quality upper eyelid surgery results you deserve, choose Dr. Charles Anthony II, a board-certified oculofacial plastic surgeon with over a decade of skill and experience. Contact Anthony Aesthetics today to find out more about upper eyelid surgery in St. Petersburg, FL.

Benefits of Upper Eyelid Surgery

Aging causes the skin to lose elasticity and the muscles to weaken. Due to these changes, the upper eyelids droop, causing patients to look constantly fatigued and stressed.

With upper eyelid surgery, sagging in the upper eyelids is addressed to rejuvenate the appearance of the eyes and face. Thanks to this facial procedure, patients look more awake, alert, and youthful.

Sagging upper eyelids can also impede peripheral vision. An upper eyelid lift corrects this problem, restoring a patient’s field of vision.

beautiful young woman in bold makeup
close up of womans eye

Charles Anthony II, MD

Dr. Charles Anthony is a board certified Oculofacial Plastic Surgeon who specializes in facial plastic surgery and aesthetic rejuvenation of the face. He has over 10 years of surgical experience and his expertise in minimally invasive and advanced surgical techniques aids him in designing tailored treatment plans to meet his patients’ unique cosmetic goals.

Am I a Good Candidate for Upper Eyelid Surgery?

If you want your cosmetic upper-eyelid issues to be addressed effectively, you may be an ideal candidate for upper eyelid surgery. This procedure is also recommended if your upper eyelids droop to the point of impairing your vision.

You are an excellent candidate for upper eyelid surgery if you are in good overall health and do not have any pre-existing illnesses that could impede healing. Patients should be non-smokers and should have realistic expectations.

The Procedure

Local anesthesia and sedation will be administered prior to upper eyelid surgery to ensure there is no discomfort or pain during the procedure.

A very small incision will be created along the natural curve at the top of the lid. Either blepharoplasty or ptosis repair may then be performed.

Blepharoplasty is when only excess skin needs to be removed from the eyelid. Ptosis repair is when the muscle also requires tightening to correct the drooping of the eyelid.

Once the upper blepharoplasty and/or ptosis repair has been performed, the upper-eyelid incisions will be closed.

Upper Eyelid Surgery Recovery and Healing

After upper eyelid surgery, you will return home to rest and recover. Expect temporary mild swelling, bruising, irritation, and discomfort. Medications may be prescribed to manage any pain or discomfort and to reduce the chance of infection.

You will be given specific instructions on how to properly care for your eye area during the recovery process. Ointment and cold compresses must be applied to the treated areas. Avoid applying pressure to these areas. It will also be important to keep your head elevated at all times.

Patient testimonialbeyond thrilled

“I am so pleased with my “new and improved” eyelids! As expected, my field of vision is enhanced but, to my surprise, my vision is also “brighter”. My eyes look natural and refreshed, and I am beyond thrilled that my previously puffy under-eye area is now smooth and flat. The procedure was essentially painless, and well worth the wonderful results!”

ready to seereal patient results?

Explore our gallery for a glimpse at the remarkable before-and-after outcomes of Upper Eyelids surgeries performed by acclaimed Oculofacial Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Charles Anthony, in St. Petersburg, Florida and the surrounding areas.
Upper Lid Ptosis Repair before and after photo by Dr. Charles Anthony in Tampa, FL

Financing Options for Upper Eyelid Surgery

At Anthony Aesthetics, we understand that price can be a major concern for patients. To ensure that our procedures are not cost-prohibitive, we’ve partnered with CareCredit. If you’re looking for an ideal way to finance your upper eyelid surgery, choose CareCredit.

Schedule Your Upper Eyelid Surgery Consultation

Upper eyelid surgery provides very natural-looking results. If you’re interested in learning more about this facial procedure, get in touch today. Contact Anthony Aesthetics to schedule a consultation regarding upper eyelid surgery in St. Petersburg, FL.

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Dr. Charles Anthony II is an incredible doctor and surgeon. When it comes to your eyes and cosmetic procedures, it can be scary and difficult to find that trust in someone. Dr. Anthony and his team are amazing and kind. I am in wonderful care at every appointment. It’s rare to find a doctor that combines such personal touches and care for a patient as a person with outstanding quality of medical care. I highly recommend becoming his patient!

- K.F.

Patient Testimonials


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