Neck Lift

Conveniently located to serve St. Petersburg, Tampa Bay, and Clearwater.

Eliminate visible signs of aging on your neck and jawline with a neck lift. Board-certified oculofacial plastic surgeon Dr. Charles Anthony II has a wealth of experience when it comes to performing facial procedures and achieving incredibly natural results. If your neck has cosmetic issues like sagging skin and excess fat, a neck lift can restore your youthful look. To learn more about the neck lift in St. Petersburg, FL, contact Anthony Aesthetics today and arrange your consultation.

Neck Lift Benefits

As a person gets older, their neck loses its shape and definition. Stubborn fat deposits form, creating a double chin, and the neck muscles sag, resulting in a turkey-wattle neck. The skin of the neck also becomes loose and droops. This creates an out-of-shape or aged look.

A neck lift can effectively treat these visible signs of aging, creating a more defined lower face. Also called a lower rhytidectomy, the neck lift can sculpt the neck by contouring away a double chin and tightening sagging neck muscles and loose skin.

This neck plastic surgery procedure can be performed as a standalone operation or can be combined with a facelift for even more comprehensive anti-aging results.

woman covered in shadows wearing jewelry
woman with her hands on her neck

Charles Anthony II, MD

Dr. Charles Anthony is a board certified Oculofacial Plastic Surgeon who specializes in facial plastic surgery and aesthetic rejuvenation of the face. He has over 10 years of surgical experience and his expertise in minimally invasive and advanced surgical techniques aids him in designing tailored treatment plans to meet his patients’ unique cosmetic goals.

Good Candidates for a Neck Lift

Ideal candidates for neck lift surgery are in good overall health with realistic expectations. If you want to get rid of your double chin, excess fat, or redundant skin on your neck and show a more contoured jawline, then this form of neck rejuvenation is ideal. Patients must be non-smokers or willing to quit several weeks prior to the surgery.

The Procedure

To perform a neck lift, general anesthesia or a combination of sedation and local anesthesia is used. An incision is made in front of the ear and continued behind the ear and another is made underneath the chin. Through these incisions, excess fat can be removed either directly or using a liposuction cannula. If loose, the platysma muscle is then tightened to treat harsh vertical bands and improve the contour of the neck. Any excess skin can then be removed before closing the incisions.

Neck Lift Recovery and Healing

Patients can expect one to two weeks to recover from neck lift surgery. During this time, it is normal to have some bruising, swelling, and discomfort. It is important to rest and avoid strenuous activity during the healing process.

Financing Options

When it comes to neck lift cost, patients deserve options. To ensure that patients have the payment options they deserve, we partner with CareCredit financing. CareCredit financing can be used for the neck lift procedure, along with a number of other aesthetic procedures and treatments.

Contact Us to Learn More

Restore your younger appearance with a neck lift in St. Petersburg, FL. Contact Anthony Aesthetics to schedule your consultation and learn more about this cosmetic procedure for the neck.

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Dr. Charles Anthony II is an incredible doctor and surgeon. When it comes to your eyes and cosmetic procedures, it can be scary and difficult to find that trust in someone. Dr. Anthony and his team are amazing and kind. I am in wonderful care at every appointment. It’s rare to find a doctor that combines such personal touches and care for a patient as a person with outstanding quality of medical care. I highly recommend becoming his patient!

- K.F.

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